Five Month Old Norwegian Forest Kitten Encounters 80 Springs At Once - 5MO Tora's Senses Overwhelmed

Описание к видео Five Month Old Norwegian Forest Kitten Encounters 80 Springs At Once - 5MO Tora's Senses Overwhelmed


Sometime somewhen this channel grew past 100 subscribers since the last upload. Thank you to everyone for supporting and following this baby little channel and this little pre-teenish kitty. We do have some exciting developments in store but won't be announcing anything until it is confirmed. Let's just say Tora should have a friend hopefully very soon!! 😁❤️🐾


After losing most of the first 20 that we had gradually given her over the course of several weeks (with many ending up underneath the fridge, oven, TV stand, and the rest being sent to the void), we decided to surprise little Tora with 80 more of her favorite spring toys all at once! Sadly the mic didn't pick up Tora's purring as she began assessing the infinite hours of joy lying before her.

....Since then we've given her most of the last bag of 80, meaning there are supposedly 180 of these things lying around the house somewhere. This is what nightmares are made of... 😱
Tora (Toe Ra/Taura), which means Tiger (虎) in Japanese, is a purebred black amber tabby Norwegian Forest Cat. Some of her common nicknames, all in Mandarin Chinese, are:

TuoXie (拖鞋) [Slipper]
ChouMao (臭貓) [Stinky Cat]
YaYa (鴨鴨) [Duck - she has quack-like meows at times]
MaoMao (貓貓) [Simply for Cat]
MaoRou (貓肉) [Cat Meat - no we don't eat cat, but she's a little meatball]
FengMao (瘋貓) [Crazy Cat]
GouDongXi (狗东西) [Literally "Dog Something", but basically "%(*@!* thing" when misbehaving]
GouMao (狗猫) [Literally "Dog Cat"; see above]

Other names include, but are not limited to: Heavy Meowchine Gun, Hey Google, RaRa, and Diva.

Sometimes we also just call her Or/OrOr, because she makes that sound 😬. We also call her Lawn Mower whenever she starts purring...

Her dad still thinks she looks more like a lion than a tiger, but that's up for debate. She was born on 10/13/23 and has been with us since 1/19/24. Please subscribe if you wish to continue seeing her grow - in age, size, and naughtiness :)

Instagram: @ToraCrossing


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