Hermits react to Grian || Ex-lives || Very lazy thumbnail || Lore in desc || Acting AU

Описание к видео Hermits react to Grian || Ex-lives || Very lazy thumbnail || Lore in desc || Acting AU

Hiya lil' Stars! I'm back!

istg, if yt makes this an untitled video again I'm gonna commit murder.

AnYwAYs- I know you guys probably don't care, but I'm a bit of a math nerd, and I'm gonna compete in a fairly important math match thingy in March, as I was one of the best of my school (and I'm not in the highest grade or anything :), I just wanted to share that somewhere-

Lore? Maybe
- Grian's parents abandoned him in Japan, he rarely tells anyone about it, as he doesn't really think about it much, nor does he really miss him. (You may or may not have noticed a few bandages on kid Grian-)
- Pearl knows Taurtis ofc, so when Grian appeared in his clothes and talked about a 'tortoise' she immediately knew what he meant. She didn't know what happened during highschool though...
- Pearl also knows Taurtis somehow returned from the dead for EVO, but she cried when he mentioned his death because she does miss him nowadays
- The story of the traitorous Admin is one told to everyone who wants to become an Admin or is one, so Xisuma does know who Xelqua/the Admin of EVO is... No one knows why he became a Watcher though, most people think he just wanted power... 'Sadly' when he went to the End (*The* End, not a End, the one where the Watchers live) his Admin powers disappeared, so he doesn't have those anymore...)
- The Watchers didn't give Xelqua a new outfit/armor when he became a Watcher, wanting to constantly remind him that they won and that he was a traitor (not like they gave him any choice)


Anyway- I think next vid won't be Acting AU again... I'm probably gonna work on the next part of 'my dad in 1985', so have that spoilery kinda thing ig-

also also, I may have an obsession with musical numbers? Like, Hamilton is AMAZING (prolly gonna watch it with 2 friends soon :) and this was Ex-wives from Six. I've also played around with a few ideas with Beetlejuice songs, but they don't fit the lore, I probably will use an EPIC (the musical) song for the D&D AU at one point as well- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Tysm for watching and reading all that! See you 'soon'! 💜💜💜


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