Making Murano Glass Wine Glass In Lampworking Technique In Venice, Italy

Описание к видео Making Murano Glass Wine Glass In Lampworking Technique In Venice, Italy

Lampworking technique of glass-making was invented long before Murano's glass-making industry got established, as a convenient method of working small glass items continuously under a flame in order to create glass jewelry, small figurines and decorative items, and intricate drinking glasses and wine glasses. In the fourteenth century bead production grew in Venice, and lampworking became ever-present in many small and large workshops around Murano Island.

Today lampworking is still a widely-practiced form of Murano glass-making, which remains almost unchanged from centuries ago, save for the use of gas instead of flickering flame for the torches. Using lampworking method to create wine glasses allows for creating exceptionally thin, translucent, almost weightless goblets, which are perfect for any special occasion and will look amazing both in your china cabinet and on your table. Toast the long tradition of crafting beautiful art glass in Murano Island with one of the hand-made Murano Glass Wine Glasses from Cheers!


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