Ar Tonelico - Bourd Battle 2

Описание к видео Ar Tonelico - Bourd Battle 2

The heroes reach the Crescent Chronicle, and Bourd is trying to destroy Tastiella, but isn't working very well. His goal is to prevent anyone from singing in the Crescent Chronicle. That way Mir can emerge from the Symphonic Reactor.

Alright, this battle Bourd got TOUGH! He has a move that gives him an electric additional attack. And when he hits, you WILL suffer. So you can do one of two things. Do what I did and took the slow approach by having the thunder barrier, and the other is just rushing him, but keep in mind when he uses the High Voltage and then Earth Crack, prepare for a LOT of hurt.

Other than that, there is really not much else to him, so give this bastard hell! For the abuse of Reyvateils and trying to revive the Mother Virus: Mir!


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