At Har Sinai- New Kid's Song for Shavuot!

Описание к видео At Har Sinai- New Kid's Song for Shavuot!

Using our imagination and all of our senses, let's go back to Har Sinai and remember what it was like to receive Torah!

What was it like, tell me what was it like
When you were with me at Har Sinai, can you
Take a breath, close your eyes
And let’s go back to Har Sinai

I see the thunder in the sky
I see a giant cloud way up high
I see a shaking mountain, big and tall
I look around and I see us all

I breathe in smoke, it tickles my nose
I breathe in smells from all our smelly toes
I breathe with you, side by side
I breathe in deep, and feel alive

I hear the blast, the shofar sound
I hear one heartbeat all around
I hear the lightning loud and clear (we see thunder and hear lightning! bonkers!)
I hear the voice that I need to hear

I feel scared, excited too
I feel so glad to be here next to you
I feel love from the Holy One
I feel our journey has just begun

So now-I taste some cheesecake, such a treat
And taste some Torah, also very sweet
That’s why we learn, stay up all night
To get a taste of what it was like

Chords (played on capo 3)


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