President Nasheed: "Our country will not exist."

Описание к видео President Nasheed: "Our country will not exist." messenger, President Nasheed of the Maldives calls on over 100 heads of state at United Nations to take immediate action to reach 350 in order to protect the survival of his nation.

According to the latest science, we must reduce Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere to 350 parts per million in order to safeguard the survival of island nations such as the Maldives. Developed nations are currently proposing increasing C02 to 450, 500, or 600 parts per million.

In the words of President Nasheed, this would be "suicide" for his nation and its 350,000 residents.

But there's a growing movement around the world calling for real climate solutions, and anchoring those solutions with a bold climate target: 350 ppm. Together, we'll demand a fair, ambitious, and binding treaty that reaches the 350 target.

Join the 350 International Day of Climate Action on October 24 and fight for the survival of all nations and peoples:


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