I've Slain 1,500 Sarachnis for this.. - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman (#11)

Описание к видео I've Slain 1,500 Sarachnis for this.. - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman (#11)

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Today we continue with the Xtreme onechunk adventure. In this episode we will focus on bossing and dragons. Watch the previous episodes here:    • Xtreme Onechunk Ironman - Kourend Cas...  

Instead of Lumbridge the starting chunk on this account is the Kourend Castle chunk in Zeah. We are following Limpwurt's Xtreme rules to take on this challenge. Enjoy the new episode!

Twitch:   / verf  
Twitter:   / verfrs  
Discord:   / discord  

Ironside Computers! Click here to customize your PC: https://ironsidecomputers.com/ref/ver...

Other OneChunk Series:
Original series by Alyx Bailey:    • [OSRS] One Chunk at a Time Ironman - ...  
Slay brother's chunk series:    • *NEW OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE SERIES* - O...  
Limpwurt's Xtreme series:    • Getting 99 Woodcutting With A Steel A...  

Chunk picker / Map for Onechunk accounts by Source Link aka. Source Chunk:

RuneLite plugins used for this series:
Region GPU
Region Locker

-Complete the highest skilling challenges
-Complete quests and achievement diaries as far as possible
-Obtain all unique monster drops
-Obtain all unique items
-Complete minigames
(Try and complete everything I can in a chunk before rolling the next one)

Play Old School Runescape (Free online MMORPG by Jagex) here: http://oldschool.runescape.com/​​

0:00 Introduction
2:03 ExpressVPN
3:23 Skotizo, Sarachnis and Dragons
10:18 Sarachnis Unique Hunt
14:55 Outro

I've Slain 1,500 Sarachnis for this.. - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman (#11)

OSRS, Verf, runescape, one chunk ironman, xtreme onechunk hc, tileman, kourend castle edition



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