Gen. Milley | Donald Trump , Mark Milley ,China | Book , Bob Woodward , Robert Costa | Peril Book

Описание к видео Gen. Milley | Donald Trump , Mark Milley ,China | Book , Bob Woodward , Robert Costa | Peril Book

Gen. Milley | Donald Trump , Mark Milley ,China | Book , Bob Woodward , Robert Costa | Peril Book Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley took steps to prevent then-Pres.

Trump from misusing the country's nuclear arsenal during the last month of his presidency, according to a new book by the Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

Sen. Rubio calls on Biden to "immediately" fire Gen. Milley after it was reported he made a pair of secret phone calls to his Chinese counterpart late in Trump's presidency to assure them the U.S. would not start a war

I do think that history will likely regard Gen. Milley as an honorable man, but what this represents is a shattering of civilian military relations ... I don't blame Gen. Milley for any of this in as much I blame Donald Trump"

the Chairman working to subvert the military chain of command and collude with China is exactly what we do not accept from military leaders in our country. He should be court martialed if true.

Couple that with his inept handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and it is clear General Milley is no longer fit to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and should be removed immediately.

A new book claims that Gen. Mark Milley secretly called his Chinese counterpart towards the end of Trump's presidency.

How many provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice could Milley have violated?

Mark Milley will forever be mentioned in the same breath as Benedict Arnold and John Wilkes-Booth as one of the most disgraceful traitors this nation has EVER seen.

#Milley #PerilBook #Treason #Trump


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