steve rogers | but a good man

Описание к видео steve rogers | but a good man

"What makes you so special?"
"Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."
So this was the character study I on Steve I started so, so long ago. I tried to make it a little bit before TWS but then I wanted TWS; so I had to wait for it to come out, and then on DVD etc. But eventually it’s made!
I don’t know how I feel about it in the end; I tried not to be so bias on who to add it with etc. Although I’ve missed so much. The thing was it ended up very much TFA just because of the pacing of it all.
So like I said; this was a very nearly finished project that I ended up abandoning but have (eventually!) finished. Also proud of it being nearly five minutes! I’ve got better at making longer videos; and using full songs - but it’s always so much more effort to do instrumentals as you are telling a story rather than the song.
Also; I hope I haven't made ten million mistakes in this video. I seem to of got better on how my editing looks; but I just seem to make so much more mistakes now (Meh!) Maybe; because I seem to have more videos uploading and quicker editing? Idk. But hopefully they don't annoy everyone that watches as they do me. /sobs
Hmm, back to the character at hand. I have made a Steve video before and pretty much wrote exactly how I felt about him (very much simpler than it would of been if I rambled on though!). I just adore Steve so much! He's all the good you could want, yet he's far from being perfect. And then you just look into him and see how much hurt the poor little soldier has been through and realize how much it must take for him to be exactly how he is now. As he's still that little Steve under all that muscle. And he is just so, so special. And I really cannot understand how he's not everyone's favourite. Because he is complex. He has gone through so much crap. Yet, he is still fighting for the good, not by being dark and corrupt but by the way a soldier does. And who wins wars? Soldiers. Or, Captain America does. Yes.
Anyway - I'm guess if you read these; you'll be starting to be bored of my worshiping the ground Steve walks on so I'll leave it here. :P
I hope you'll like. :3


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