Hogy System Rod: Inshore MH Spinning Rod

Описание к видео Hogy System Rod: Inshore MH Spinning Rod

Designed for medium-heavy tackle inshore applications, the Hogy 7’ MH inshore spinning rod is great for my day-to-day medium-heavy tackle inshore casting applications. Built with a soft, yet sensitive blank, these rods resist accidental breakage due to high sticking but still offer high sensitivity to light bites on smaller presentations, plus they have plenty of backbone in the blank to apply added pressure for larger inshore species. Paired with an appropriately sized reel, these are a pleasure to fish for daily applications.

Bottom Line: This rod will be your new “every day” light tackle inshore spinning outfit for light presentations and trophy gamefish. #FishSimple

Hogy Inshore Rods and what are they? Our Inshore Rod series offers the strength, action, and durability for targeting your favorite light tackle inshore species. These rods feature a heavy backbone, with just enough tip softness for casting baits from 3/4oz - 3oz.

The Hogy MH Inshore Spinning Rod is built for anglers looking to use medium-weight metals, Epoxy Jig, plugs and swimbaits for light tackle inshore casting to Striped Bass, Albies, Snook, Redfish, and Tarpon. Designed to be paired with your favorite 4000 - 6000 sized spinning reel and 20lb - 40lb braid for maximum casting distance with lighter weight lures.


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