IQ-Baby Book - Chapter #2.- ABOUT INTELLIGENCE (Full Chapter - Video)

Описание к видео IQ-Baby Book - Chapter #2.- ABOUT INTELLIGENCE (Full Chapter - Video)

2.1.- What is Intelligence?
2.2.- General Intelligence - Factor “G”
2.3.- Measurement of Intelligence - Scale Binet
2.4.- Coefficient Is Intellectual – IQ
2.5. - Multiple Intelligences
2.6. - Emotional Intelligence
2.7.- Social Intelligence
2.8.- Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
2.9.- Where in Human Brain Intelligence Reside?
2.10.- Factors Affecting Intelligence
2.11.- Children Are Smarter Every Day - Flynn Effect
2.12.- The Intelligent Living Longer
2.13.- Are You Smart or just “Clever” (ready)?
2.14.- Ten Additional Facts About Intelligence
2.15.- Normal People and IQ
2.16.- Famous People and their IQ Scores


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