💰 LINCOLN NATIONAL (LNC) stock analysis LNC score from GURU.Markets​ 📈📉

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⌚ Video time codes:
00:00 Introduction, general overview of the organization Lincoln National Corp. (LNC).
01:26 Assessing the market/balance sheet capitalization of an organization LINCOLN NATIONAL (LNC).
02:43 Overview of company debt Lincoln National Corp..
03:02 Grade P/E / Forward Price-to-Earnings Lincoln National.
03:57 Grade P/S / Forward Price-to-Sales LINCOLN NATIONAL CORP..
04:52 Assessing the profitability of company sales Lincoln National.
05:15 Estimation of the occupied share based on the number of company employees Lincoln National (LNC) в подкатегории.
06:08 Performance Evaluation LINCOLN NATIONAL CORP. (LNC).
07:04 Analysis of the company's technical indicators Lincoln National (LNC).
08:13 Overall assessment (rating) of Lincoln National Corp. Lincoln National Corp..
08:42 Order table as a result of the assessment Lincoln National (LNC).

👁️‍🗨️ What is this content about?:
💠 Company information provided Lincoln National (LNC).
💠 Shows the share of the company occupied in the subcategory between market and book capitalization LINCOLN NATIONAL.
💠 Debt volumes considered Lincoln National Corp. and their relationship to the company’s balance sheet capitalization.
💠 Indicators are compared P/E Lincoln National And Price-to-Earnings subcategories.
💠 The company's real and expected profits are compared LINCOLN NATIONAL CORP..
💠 A comparison of indicators is given P/S LINCOLN NATIONAL And P/S subcategories.
💠 Lincoln National's current and future revenues compared Lincoln National.
💠 A comparison of the company's sales margins is clearly shown. Lincoln National (LNC) and similar companies.
💠 A comparison is given of the share of employees in the subcategory and the share of market capitalization LINCOLN NATIONAL in subcategory.
💠 Shows a comparison of shares of market capitalization per company employee Lincoln National Corp. (LNC) .
💠 A comparison of profit indicators per employee in LINCOLN NATIONAL (LNC) and in the subcategory.
💠 A comparison of sales figures for each employee in LINCOLN NATIONAL CORP. and by subcategory.
💠 Shows a comparison of the company's selling position indicators LINCOLN NATIONAL (LNC) and for the subcategory as a whole.
💠 A comparison of the level is given RSI (14) on the company's stock chart Lincoln National (LNC) and subcategory companies.
💠 A comparison of indicators of changes in the value of the company's shares is provided LINCOLN NATIONAL (LNC) and comparable companies of the subcategory.
💠 A comparison of the company's final indicators is given Lincoln National (LNC) and sampled subcategory organizations and US stock market companies in the aggregate.
💠 An order table based on the results of the video is given, with solutions for the stock valuation reference system https://system.guru.markets from https://guru.markets

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