Book Folding/ Combi Tutorial

Описание к видео Book Folding/ Combi Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to do combination fold/cut book folding/book art.
The book has to be: Hard cover, can't have a crooked or broken spine, the page edges need to be uniform, the pages should all be the same type/color (it shouldn't have picture "inserts" or different color pages), and most patterns need to be a 400 or more page book. You can find books at yard sales, clearance racks, secondhand stores, or maybe your own bookshelf. The one I use in the tutorial I got for $1 at Mardels. I've also purchased books from Dirt Cheap and Goodwill. I have not paid more than $3 for a book. As stated in the video, both my rulers and "binder clip" came from Dollar Tree and the Fiskars scissors I bought at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon that's on their app.
I also forgot to mention in the tutorial what to do if you have more pages than the pattern calls for. If it's just few pages, you can just cut them out. If you have a lot of pages you may want to leave them in so as not to mess up the book. In that case you will want the same number of pages before and after all your marked pages. The best way to figure it out is simple math. The book in this video needs 428 pages but there are 448. So the means there are 20 pages left over. The 20 left over is actually the page numbers so they are front and back of one leaf. Since there are 20 pages, that means there are actually only 10 "leaves" (simply divide by two). Since you want the same number of left over pages in front and behind your marked pages, that means I will have 5 "leaves" in front and will start my marking on the 6th leaf (or page 13) and that will leave me with 5 "leaves" left over at the end. I hope this isn't too confusing. If it is, I will make sure and explain it on my next book folding tutorial.


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