Marvel & DC News, 1st Appearances, & Speculation | Cheap Comics | DBD 201

Описание к видео Marvel & DC News, 1st Appearances, & Speculation | Cheap Comics | DBD 201

Check out this week's Dollar Bin Digging as I spotlight a few books to keep an eye out for to snag on the cheap. This week, I look at some more fun speculation related to the recent news, leaks, rumors, theories, and announcements. Topics ranging from Hercules to Green Lantern to Eternals to Batman. Just some more fun books to hunt for cheap based some rumors for upcoming MCU & DC projects and comics and some indies too.

Also make sure to watch to see the results of the FREE Giveaway. Wheel spin will be done in the open. If you win make sure to send me a DM on Instagram to get me your address. If you don't have IG, you can comment down below and I can give you an email address to send it to me.

These are some books you can still scoop up for cheap. This is an accompanying video for my upcoming Dollar Bin Digging Article on

I touch on some comic book speculation, some hunting tips, and general analysis on comics you may wish to read or invest in. Back issue bargain books are my jam, so join me as I show off some of the things I like to pick out when I find them out in the wild.

These are the books I bought out of dollar bins to film and share with the comic collecting community. If you like this video, Please Like & Subscribe. That said, let me know if you'd like to see more in the comments or hit me up on Instagram @rennavision
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