Scorepush - Sunspire - Arcanist DD - ESO Endless Archive

Описание к видео Scorepush - Sunspire - Arcanist DD - ESO Endless Archive

Hey everyone! I'm happy to share this video from our recent prog in Sunspire. We achieved the World Record and a better run than this one (16:19), but I wasn't satisfied with my performance, and Genesis quickly reclaimed the record (gg to them, by the way). That's why I decided to post this run.
I'm not a huge fan of arcanist, but I managed a decent run nonetheless. I completely flubbed my ult on the trash packs before Lokke (both the first and last ones; I should've ulted on both).
I'm somewhat disappointed because I had to save my ult for both Lokke and Yolna during the trash afterward, which somewhat diminished my damage during the last phases.

I hope you enjoy watching this gameplay!

0:00 Run and Trashs before Lokkestiiz
2:16 Lokkestiiz
6:23 Trashs between Lokke and Yolna
7:00 Yolnahkriin
9:55 Trashs after Yolna
12:13 Navh
16:33 Kill and Score


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