Carpooling VS. Colorum

Описание к видео Carpooling VS. Colorum

Some people have asked why the MMDA are encouraging carpooling while the LTFRB are discouraging colorum operations. There’s a big difference between the two.

Here’s an example of carpooling:

Bill owns a car and drives it to his office everyday. Some of his workmates live along his route and ask if they can ride with him. This is clearly carpooling. The driver owns the car and works in the same office as his passengers. They all know each other and they’re not paying a fare.

Here’s an example of colorum:

Robin owns a small fleet of vans. He hires a driver for each van. That driver picks up random passengers at illegal terminals and charges them a fare in return for dropping them off at various locations. Most of the passengers don’t know each other and have no relationship with the driver.


Now where things get a little bit complicated in the carpool scenario is if you start collecting money. Even if it’s just gas money or for maintenance. That’s why many people are asking the LTFRB to issue clear guidelines on carpooling.

As for the HOV idea on EDSA. I personally think it should be limited to a single lane until it’s proven to be useful and all the kinks have been ironed out.


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