No.12 ~ Work Measurement | Meaning | Objective | Techniques of Work Measurement | (Hindi) |

Описание к видео No.12 ~ Work Measurement | Meaning | Objective | Techniques of Work Measurement | (Hindi) |

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📌 Work Measurement

00:00 Starting
00:19 Purchase PDF BOOK of Production & Operation Management
00:47 Meaning of Work Measurement
03:22 Objectives of Work Measurements
05:09Techniques of Work Measurement
08:25 Advantages of Work Measurement

👉 Meaning of Work Measurement

Work measurement is a process used to determine the amount of time needed to complete a job. It involves a variety of methods, tools, and techniques that are used to analyze the time required to finish a task. This process includes studying, developing, and implementing standard times for work to be executed.

👉 Objectives of Work Measurements

1. Determine the amount of time needed to complete a task under typical working conditions.
2. Estimate the necessary personnel, materials, and equipment.
3. Organize and reorganize workers as needed based on requirements.
4. Set a time benchmark for task completion and compare it to actual performance.
5. Evaluate the efficiency of personnel and equipment.
6. Assist in calculating labor costs.
7. Implement an improved inventory control system.
8. Develop cost estimates for new products.

👉 Techniques of Work Measurement

A.) Time study
B.) Work sampling
C.) Predetermined motion time system
D.) Synthesis Method
E.) Analytical estimating

#Workmeasurement #productionmanagement #operationmanagement

Work Measurements
Meaning of Work Measurements
Objectives of Work Measurements
Techniques of Work Measurements


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