Baby Elephants Need Their Rest! And Orphan Phabeni Enjoys His Naps By the Reeds 💚

Описание к видео Baby Elephants Need Their Rest! And Orphan Phabeni Enjoys His Naps By the Reeds 💚

After being treated to a mud bath, Phabeni shot straight to the reeds in the garden. This has become his favourite area! He just dropped down and slept. He has started to go here often for his naps. In this video, Adine sits with carer Reply and an umbrella over Phabeni as the little elephants snoozes beside them.

Baby elephants need their rest and especially having been through the great loss and trauma Phabeni has endured, the calf needs his sleep to stay strong. It’s a sign that he is comfortable in his surroundings that he can so peacefully lie down and rest in our company.

When it’s time for milk bottles, Phabeni chooses to rather play beside the reeds. Khanyisa was always a big fan of playing and running through the reeds, but Phabeni prefers to stay on the edges. We’ve realised that he is not fond of surprises, so there is no playing hide and seek with him, as he gets a fright easily. We will leave the fun and games for when he is more at ease. For now we need to tell him that we are approaching so that he is calmer and knows to be aware, knows that he is not danger.

Adine says she is sure little Phabeni will love to play hide and seek like Khanyisa one day, and if he doesn’t, it is also okay. We will make create games.

Phabeni has learnt where the mudhole is and will go there often for swims to cool off and roll and spray himself. The reeds are his favourite location for cool naps in the shade, and he also loves the trough in his private garden for splashing.

This little orphan is bringing us all so much joy and purpose, as we dedicate ourselves to making him feel at home in these early days at the orphanage.


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