Mounted War Games 2024 - JOUST! Conrad vs. Kope

Описание к видео Mounted War Games 2024 - JOUST! Conrad vs. Kope

This is the jousting tournament at the thirteenth Mounted War Games. Lord Conrad and Captain CuMhara o Holyhead, called Kope, had a pass.

As was explained earlier by a different gentle who talked while riding up and down the fence on a horse, so the sound didn't really turn out, the lances are made of cardboard tubes with essentially pool noodle foam heads. The objective is to strike the target and break the lance, not to unhorse your opponent.

0:00 - New Participant!
0:35 - Pass 1
0:48 - Reset
1:34 - Pass 2
2:05 - On the Mounts
3:00 - Pass 3


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