Acquisitions Incorporated - PAX East 2023

Описание к видео Acquisitions Incorporated - PAX East 2023

Support the next iteration of Acquisitions Incorporated and help us make it the best it can be:

Omin Dran, half-elf cleric. Founder and CEO.
Played by Jerry Holkins, @TychoBrahe

Evelyn Marthain, human paladin. Ray of Sunshine.
Played by Anna Prosser, @AnnaProsser

Bobbie Zimmeruski, goliath barbarian. Cheese Eater.
Played by WWE Superstar Xavier Woods, @austincreedwins

Certainty Dran, quarter aasimar, quarter elf, half human. Business-savvy Paranormal Investigator.
Played by Jasmine Bhullar, @ThatBronzeGirl

Vi, gnome artificer. Smokin’ plane hopper.
Played by Jeremy Crawford, @JeremyECrawford

Original DM Daddy
Dungeon Master Christopher Perkins, @ChrisPerkinsDnD

Promotional Consideration provided by:

Foam Brain

Dwarven Forge

Resolution Games - Demeo

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger


Информация по комментариям в разработке