【佛法开示】慧光长老 Venerable Jutipañño Mahāthero Dhamma Talk 17 Aug 2018 at NDR

Описание к видео 【佛法开示】慧光长老 Venerable Jutipañño Mahāthero Dhamma Talk 17 Aug 2018 at NDR

慧光长老 (Venerable Jutipanno) 出 家于泰国 Thammayut 派 系。长老曾在泰国各地向不同的大德老参学有八年之久。其间在Saraburi , 靠近曼谷的法光禅定中心Dhamma Light Meditation Centre) 向 Ajahn Som Chat 参学了约 有六 年。之后长老从泰国回返马来西亚,笨珍~ 其故 乡。 2000年法光禅定中心成立于马来西亚笨 珍, 慧光长老既为中心的教导师。在中心长老经常为信 徒们 讲解佛法并举办短期出家。

Venerable Jutipañño Mahāthero is a Malaysian Buddhist monk. He received his higher ordination (Upasampada) in 1991 at Wat Bhodhisampan, Narkleur, Chonburi, Thailand.

His Preceptor is Phraku Pañña Pathanaporn. He trained under Arcariya Phraku Somchat Dhamma Joto for a period of six years and stayed in Thailand for a duration of eight years.

He returned to Malaysia in the year of 2000, and established Dhamma Light Meditation Centre at Api-Api, Pontian, Johor, Malaysia, and is its current abbot.


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