Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove Boil Test #3

Описание к видео Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove Boil Test #3

Over the last couple of days I've been doing boil tests with my new Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove. In todays video I try to cover some of the comments I've been getting, such as.

CatskillMountainGirl commented, "You MUST test to see if you can get a boil without the stand!! I am fascinated."

jhippl asked, "i wonder if you could make a snuffer with a fancy feast can"

WinterTrekker said that the Clikstand site says the Trangia simmer ring works on the Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove.

Even though the start up was a little messed up ( the pot bottom is a little bent up and wobbled when I put it on the stove) I think we see that the flame with the pot right on the top of the stove is not as hot as when used with a stand.

I thank CatskillMountainGirl, jhippl, and WinterTrekker for thier comments,
And I thank you for watching my videos,

Title: Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove - Boil Test #3
Room temp: 84°
Humidity: 66% (wet)
Weather condition: Sunny
Burner: Evernew Titanium Alcohol Stove
Stove/Pot stand: Top of burner used
Pot: Boy Scout Pot #2
Fuel: methanol
Amount of fuel: 1 fluid ounces (measured to 1 fluid ounce line)
Amount of water: 2 cup(s)
Water temp at start: 60°
Time to boil: 11 minute(s) 11 second(s)
Time to run-out: 18 minute(s) 45 second(s)

Hammock Fight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.
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