Theres something fun about drawing something I cant even make sense of

Описание к видео Theres something fun about drawing something I cant even make sense of

I wanted to draw this in a sort of overlay to someones exposed body in the background, this being like their tattoo but the idea of course just became me drawing lines and circles until I drew something I couldnt understand and just went with it. But it goes back to the question of what I deemed to be my art and all that and I guess this time around, it ended up being something I didnt want to understand. I just wanted to draw to feel something for a different piece maybe? Why do I always make descriptions paragraphs long? To discourage readers who cant read from going any further or just people in general.

Its at this moment I wonder if I can cut this into a short because Im not used to this type of workflow yet. If you know, you know. But thats where Im leaving it for today. You know that ad about Suzuki Road Ranger, the have a nice day one. Yeah... you already know. Cya


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