كيف رحلت How did leave | ٢٠٢١ - 2021 | حسين جعفر|Hussein jaafar

Описание к видео كيف رحلت How did leave | ٢٠٢١ - 2021 | حسين جعفر|Hussein jaafar


للإستماع على المنصات الصوتية على الرابط التالي

للمتابعة على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي والمنصات الصوتية

● Editing /مونتاج:

•Mohamad skaf

●Admin/المشرف :

• Hasnaa chahla

●Writer/الشاعر :

• Hassan Rachid


• Studio watar

●Video graphics/تصوير :

•Ali al khalil

●Lyrics/كلمات :
كيف رحلت
How did leave
حقي شوفك بعد الغربة
My right to see you after aliention
ملي من عينيك عيوني
full my eyes from your eyes
حقي شوفك واقف جنبي
My right to see you after alienation
بحبك تمسح نار جنوني
wipe my crazy's fire with your love
حس بقلبك يحضن قلبي
feel your heart embracing mine
تمحي الحزن الملا دروبي
Erase the grief wihich fulled my paths
وتذكرني بعمر الغافي
and remember me with sleeping age
تحت الشمس بوقت غروبي
beneath the sun at the time of sunset
كيف رحلت
how did leave
وكيف مضيت
how did you go
وكيف مشيت
and how did you walk
كيف ذهبت ورحت وغبت وما ظليت
how did you leave and go away and you didn't stay

صارت بعد رحيلك تبكي زوايا البيت
it became crying after you left the corners of the house
تتألم وتنوح وتسأل
it became crying after you left
كيف مضيت..
How did you go
كيف مضيت
how did you go
كيف رحلت
how did you leave
وكيف مضيت
and how did you go
وكيف مشيت
and how did you walk
كيف ذهبت ورحت وغبت
وما ظليت
how did you go and left and so away and you didn't stay
صارت بعد رحيلك تبكي
زوايا البيت
it became crying after you left the corners of the house
تتألم وتنوح وتسأل
it is in pain and moar and asking
كيف مضيت
how did you go
كيف مضيت
how did you go
كيف بتمشي وما بتسألني
how do you leave without asking me
كيف بتقدر ترحل عني
how can you leave me
يا علي بعدك جنني
oh ali your departure made me crazy
وعم يقتلني وعم يقتلني
and it is killing me
عيدك مر ولم تأتيني
your birthday passed and you didn't come to me
أبكي عليك لما تبكيني
crying on you when you make me cry
تذبح قلبي بلا سكيني
slaugh me without a knife
لا تبعد بعدك يرديني
don't go away from me your departure kill me
كيف رحلت
how did you go
وكيف مضيت
and how did you pass
وكيف مشيت
and how did you walk
كيف ذهبت ورحت وغبت
وما ظليت
how did you go and leave and go away
صارت بعد رحيلك تبكي
it became crying after your leaving
زوايا البيت
the corners of the house
تتألم وتنوح وتسأل
it is in pain and mourning and asking
كيف مضيت
how did you leave
كيف مضيت
how did you leave
كيف رحلت
hou did you go
وكيف مضيت
and how did you pass
وكيف مشيت
and how did you walk
كيف ذهبت ورحت وغبت
how did you go and left and go away
وما ظليت
and you didn't stay
صارت بعد رحيلك تبكي
it became crying after you leaving
زوايا البيت
the corners of the house
تتألم وتنوح وتسأل
it is in pain and mourning an asking
كيف مضيت
how did you leave
كيف مضيت
how did you leave

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