24 Hours TRAPPED inside HACKER Mansion! (Game Master vs. Quadrant Battle Royale)

Описание к видео 24 Hours TRAPPED inside HACKER Mansion! (Game Master vs. Quadrant Battle Royale)

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Rebecca Zamolo does a 24 hour overnight challenge after being trapped by Daniel and tries escaping to stop E2 and save the Game Master!
▶ New ZamFam Merch is here! https://rebeccazamolo.com
Last time Rebecca Zamolo played the hide and seek GAME MASTER Spy Challenge in real life for 24 hours and Matt and Rebecca created i went in disguise as hacker to rescue Rebecca Zamolo and Daniel (Missing Game Master Clues Found) as he searched to find his wife. Today, Rebecca wakes up after being trapped for 24 hours inside the hacker mansion and realizes she can’t trust Daniel. She begins searching for clues to escape so she can stop E2 when spy ninja hackers come inside. While spying on the secret meeting we see the red hood with Daniel and RZ twin. Matt has been in disguise and rescues me. I confront Daniel about being a double agent but he says he’s not a liar. We found Kurt in the studio and he e has been handcuffed for 24hrs. They give KHS a mysterious mixture to hypnotize him. We’re running out of time and must figure out the 3-digit code. Daniel solves the riddles using the records on the wall and sneak into the mystery room at 3am. It’s like the best game of hide and seek while spying on red hood. The $10,000 appears but it’s actually a decoy to transport the flash drive. A quadrant notices us and it’s turns into a battle royale in real life between the GameMaster and Red Hood. I can’t believe she destroys the GM Mask! Will the Game Master face reveal happen now? Thank you for watching my PG entertainment comedy videos for in 2019!
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Rebecca Zamolo game master
Rebecca Zamolo musically
Rebecca Zamolo slime
#gamemaster #the24hourchallenge #rebeccazamolo #escaperoom #trapped #hacker

24 Hours    • 24 Hours  


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