Gatso RT4 Photo Radar vs Best Radar Detectors from Escort, Uniden, and Valentine One

Описание к видео Gatso RT4 Photo Radar vs Best Radar Detectors from Escort, Uniden, and Valentine One

We test the best radar detectors against the Sensys Gatso RT4 photo radar, a difficult to detect photo radar system that is becoming more prevalent.

We travel to Iowa to test the top radar detectors from Escort, Uniden, and Valentine One.

The radar detectors tested, were:

Escort MAXcam 360c
Escort MAX 360c MkII
Escort Redline 360c
Uniden R8
Uniden R4
Valentine V1 Gen2

Only the Uniden R8 and Uniden R4 were able to alert to the Sensys Gatso RT4 speed photo radars.

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