Architectural Details - 5000 Years of Building Styles | Book Flip-Through

Описание к видео Architectural Details - 5000 Years of Building Styles | Book Flip-Through

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Hi there, Liron here! And today we're flipping through this incredible book called "Architectural Details- A Visual Guide to 5000 Years of Building Styles"

I thoroughly enjoyed this one for multiple reasons, including:

1. I LOVE architecture. Seeing this variety of styles and how the history of building developed over different cultures is fascinating to me.

2. The sketches and their style is exactly what I like to do myself (though the technique may be a little different). And so it actually has plenty of material that could be used for exercises.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have!

If you missed anything, or want me to show you more of something - let me know and I'll be happy to share it again here, on Instagram, Snapchat or anywhere else.

Take care, and we'll talk soon (:



Music by Joakim Karud    / joakimkarud  
Music by @joakimkarudmusic

#architecture #book #review


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