Mercedes Vito W638 Instrument Cluster Lcd Repair – 1999 – 2004

Описание к видео Mercedes Vito W638 Instrument Cluster Lcd Repair – 1999 – 2004

Detaljan opis reparacije instrument table od Mercedes Vita. Iznenađujuće nezgodna tabla za remont. Postoji tečna procedura tj redosled rasklapanja koja se mora ispoštovati. Ja još nisam naišao na Netu da je neko razjasnio. Meni je bilo potrebno nekoliko tabli da rastavim pa da konačno uočim kako je konstruktor zamislio da se to radi. U koliko se neispoštuje redosled. Pri skidanju PCB štampane ploče dolazi do kidanja flet kabla displeja pa se popravka uvećava za par desetina € koliko košta taj kabal a nije ga ni jednostavno zamenuti. Delikatan remont i nije za one koji misle da će ga odraditi posle gledanja ovog videa. Potrebno je veliko iskustvo, strpljenje i pažnja. Znači vikend majstori koji žele popraviti svoju tablu ne radite to , napravićete mnogo štete. I stručnim licima u koliko nemaju duže vreme to za opravku zaborave se mnoge stvari i lako se napravi greška u koracima.

Detailed description of the instrument panel repair from Mercedes Vito. Surprisingly awkward overhaul board. There is a fluid procedure, ie the order of disassembly, which must be followed. I have not yet come across on the Net that anyone has clarified. It took me a few boards to disassemble so that I could finally see how the constructor imagined it to be done. If the order is not followed. When removing the PCB printed electronic board, the flat cable of the display breaks, so the repair increases by a few tens of €, which is how much that cable costs, and it is not easy to replace it. A delicate overhaul is not for those who think they will do it after watching this video. It takes a lot of experience, patience and attention. So weekend masters who want to fix their board don't do that, you will do a lot of damage. Even if the experts do not have that for a long time, many things are forgotten for repair and it is easy to make a mistake in the steps.


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