They frightened the life out of me on Carrauntoohill, the highest mountain in Ireland

Описание к видео They frightened the life out of me on Carrauntoohill, the highest mountain in Ireland

Dan Casey and his team were gathering their ewes down off the highest mountain in Ireland. it is called Carrauntoohil and is part of the Macgillycuddy Reeks mountain range. it is not far from Killarney in Co. Kerry.
This was in November 2000 and I asked if I could join them. I am not a great man for heights so it was a good thing I didn't know in advance, how extreme this place would get.
Dan and the lads make light work of travelling this ground even though, one slip could mean the end of you in this world.
Mike worked his young dog, Roy on it. it's not easy to get videos of dogs working because of the shape of the ground. you can't see very far at any one time. dogs often need to work out of sight. but it's also tricky because we need to keep an eye under foot.
Dan and his brother Pat, have been grazing sheep up here since they were young lads with their father.
it was a privilage to get out with them on this gather and after another year or so, I might have forgotten enough to go back and do it again ha!

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