The Grotowski Institute - July 2023

Описание к видео The Grotowski Institute - July 2023

The Paradox of Justice – European Laboratory Theatre Coproduction (JUSTLAB) is an international project co-financed by Creative Europe program of the European Union from December 2022 until end of November 2024. ⁣

The project is developed in cooperation of three partners, PLAVO theatre – theatre laboratory from Serbia, TheaterlaborBielefeld from Germany and Grotowski Institute from Poland.⁣

The coproduction will raise awareness, enhance dialog and empathy among audience and promote societal resilience by critical reaction to different aspects of injustice in contemporary Europe, rise of violence and crisis of democratic values, which is most visible in rise of right-wing ideologies, relation towards migrants, women and socially marginalized groups, as well as in reckless destruction of nature. ⁣

Main activities include laboratory work in performance creation, testing methodologies and workshops with local audience, particularly disadvantaged groups, performing in Poland, Germany and Serbia with live streaming and interpretation into Sign language, making online Archive of Knowledge.


The work on a co-production consists of several phases. Prior to a mutual work of all artists involved, a laboratory theatrical work takes place in each partner organisation and lasts for several months. The laboratory work contains creation of performing materials including different types of the actors’ trainings, body and voice work, work with music and instruments etc. The phase of the laboratory work of each ensemble is documented in videos with the aim of presenting to the audience the methodology of work and steps taken in the performance creation in laboratory theatre.

Appearance in the video: Ekaterina Egorova, Marie Walker, Gey Pin An, Elisa Guarraggi, Marie Suze Jean Baptiste (Mambo Nini), Monika Wachowicz, Aleksandra Kugacz- Semerci, Jarosław Fret.
Directing: Jarosalw Fret
Camera and editing: Teatr ZAR/ The Grotowski Institute


The Grotowski Institute in Wrocław is a municipal arts institution committed to documenting and disseminating knowledge about Jerzy Grotowski and his Laboratory Theatre as well as hosting events corresponding to the ideas laid down by Grotowski’s creative practice.⁣

The Grotowski Institute runs artistic, research and education projects, hosting theatre performances, artist residencies, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and workshops. It invites prominent theatre makers from all over the world and supports young artists, including those linked to the Wrocław fringe theatre scene. The Institute regularly holds the Open University of Research and Non-fiction Theatre programmes as well as hosting theatre workshops, including sessions with close collaborators of Rena Mirecka and Zygmunt Molik, Teatr ZAR’s performances and training sessions of studios working under the Institute’s umbrella.⁣

The Grotowski Institute’s publishing spans a wide range of topics. Since 2005, the Institute has released more than forty titles. In addition, it is the publisher of the Polish theatre journal Didaskalia (since 2007) and the online research journal Performer (since 2011), as well as co-publisher of the English-language journal Polish Theatre Perspectives. Icarus Publishing Enterprise, a collaborative initiative of the Grotowski Institute, Odin Teatret (Denmark) and Theatre Arts Researching the Foundations (Malta), commissions and publishes English translations of works exploring the laboratory theatre tradition. The Institute also operates, a web site devoted to the founder of the Laboratory Theatre.


Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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