Lesson #9 - Verbs (Aorist Tense)

Описание к видео Lesson #9 - Verbs (Aorist Tense)

Welcome to the Academy of High Valyrian!

In this lesson, you'll see how to conjugate the Aorist tense of verbs, and what that means in a sentence.

The author who started it all: http://www.georgerrmartin.com/
HBO's "Game of Thrones": http://www.hbo.com/#/game-of-thrones/
A Wiki of Ice and Fire: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/
Hardcore Linguistic Analysis of Dothraki and Valyrian: http://wiki.dothraki.org/
The Forum Community of Westeros.org: http://asoiaf.westeros.org

Intro Music: Matthew Pablo http://www,matthewpablo.com
Body Music: Janne Hanhisuanto   / jannehanhisuanto  
Parchment Animation: Alessandro Zavattero https://sites.google.com/site/alexsto...
Fonts: Chris Hanse, "Nemo" http://www.fantasyfonts.com/
Ryoichi Tsunekawa, "Bebas Neue" http://dharmatype.com/


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