Tasmotizing the Sonoff SV

Описание к видео Tasmotizing the Sonoff SV

There are plenty of videos out there on how to Tasmotize a Sonoff, thought I would throw my hat in the ring with a video too. Tasmota is almost like a gateway drug to home-automation.

I hope that this video will assist you in Tasmotizing your first Sonoff.


1. Download Tasmotizer - select the latest release .exe file
2. Download the latest Tasmota bin tasmota.bin
3. Connect your FTDI adaptor to your PC and if it has a voltage setting make sure that it is set to 3.3V
4. Connect up your jumper cables to the FTDI adaptor - I have used green for RX, white for TX, red for VCC and blue for GND
5. Connect up jumper cables to your Sonoff, remember to swap your RX and TX.
6. Disconnect power to your FTDI adaptor and hold the button down on your Sonoff then reapply power. Your Sonoff will now be in flashing mode.
7. Open Tasmotizer - open the tasmota.bin file that you downloaded
8. Hit Tasmotize. If you are unsuccessful try selecting a different COM port.
9. The Tasmotized Sonoff should generate its own WiFi network, connect to this and enter your WiFi credentials.
10. If you have entered your credentials correctly and your device is within range of your access point it should now connect to your home network.
11. Determine the IP address of your Sonoff using an app called Fing
12. Type the IP address of your Sonoff into a browser on a device connected to your home network. This should connect you to the device.
13. At this point you can configure your module by hitting *configuration *configure module *Sonoff SV.

Happy home automating

If you are lucky this will have worked and you will have a Tasmotized Sonoff


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