Birding Chile from Santiago to Patagonia.2022

Описание к видео Birding Chile from Santiago to Patagonia.2022

Animals:Puma ,south American Fox, Culpeo Fox, Large-hairy Armadillo, Humbold's Hog-nosed Skunk.
67 species of birds.
1 Elegant Tern
2 Black Skimmer
3 Fire-eyed Diucon
4 Ticking Doradito 2
5 California Quail
6 White-throated Tapaculo
7 Dusky Tapaculo
8 Moustached Turca
9 Barn Owl
10 Many-colored Rush Tyrant
11 Red-gartered Coot
12 Stripe-backed Bittern
13 Red Shoveler
14 Coscoroba Swan
15 Lake Duck
16 Black-headed Duck couple
17 Black-necked Swan
18 Brown-hooded Gull
19. Black-faced Ibis
20 Black-throated Huet-huet
21 Burrowing Parakeet
22 Chilean Flicker
23 Chimango Caracara
24 Rufous-banded Miner
25 White-sided Hillstar
26 Scale-throated Earthcreeper
27 Crag Chilia
28 Des Murs's Wiretail
29 Dark-bellied Cinclodes
30 Diademed Sandpiper-Plover
31 Gray-breasted Seedsnipe
32 Magellanic Woodpecker
33 Patagonian Sierra Finch juvenile
34 Short-eared Owl
35 Red-legged Cormorant
36 Wilson's Storm-Petrel
37 Sooty Shearwater
38 Buller's Albatross
39 Plumbeous Rail
40 Chucao Tapaculo
41 White-throated Treerunner
42 Slender-billed Parakeet
43 Tufted Tit-Tyrant
44 Spectacled Tyrant
45 Correndera Pipit
46 Peruvian Pelican
47 Ringed Kingfisher
48 Black-necked Swan
49 Flightless Steamer-Duck
50 Black-crowned Night-Heron
51 Grass Wren
52 Rufous-tailed Plantcutter
53 Darwin's Rhea
54 Long-tailed Meadowlark
55 Austral Thrush
56 Crested Caracara
57 Andean Condor
58 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle
59 Magellanic Snipe
60 Lesser Horned Owl
61 Least Seedsnipe
62 Band tailed Earthcreeper
63 Flying Steamer-Duck
64 Chilean Flamingo
65 Chiloe Wigeon
66 Ashy headed Goose
67 Ruddy headed Goose


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