CarPro Reload, How to apply. Distinctive Detailing's way to apply Reload (Si02 Sealant)

Описание к видео CarPro Reload, How to apply. Distinctive Detailing's way to apply Reload (Si02 Sealant)

Part 3 of a 4 part CarPro Product Video Series.. We are showing our customers how to properly use CarPro Reload which is an Si02 based sealant. This product should only be used on a clean vehicle. This process will apply great protection streak-free. Reload will give you months of professional grade protection and help boost your coating's slickness and hydrophobics.

**For customers with corrected and coated vehicles***, Please only use clean quality microfiber towels with light pressure to lower the risk of scratching your paint.

Here at Distinctive Detailing one of our main pillars of our business is customer education and support. Thank you to our customers for the opportunity to exceed your expectations. We hope you enjoy the video. As always if you have any questions, reach out to us anytime.

For those who find this video and enjoy the product education, please like and subscribe for more videos to come..

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering. Shop value not price. Experience the best products and services in the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham Chapel Hill area). When second best won't do, Distinctive Detailing is the only choice!


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