Discontinued Shingles: What Insurance Hopes You Don't Know

Описание к видео Discontinued Shingles: What Insurance Hopes You Don't Know

In this video, we're going to discuss an issue that insurance companies hope you don't know about. If you have a discontinued shingle on your roof and it's damaged, it may be challenging to match it. This is where ITEL reports come into play. ITEL is a third-party company that analyzes roofing materials to determine their composition and properties. Insurance companies often rely on ITEL reports to determine the replacement value of a roof.

However, what many homeowners don't know is that if their discontinued shingles are no longer available on the market, they may be able to get their roof covered by insurance. Insurance companies typically won't cover the cost of replacing an entire roof because of one damaged shingle, but if the shingle is discontinued, the cost of replacing the entire roof may be covered.

At Restoration Roofing, we have extensive experience working with insurance companies and advocating for our clients' best interests. If you're dealing with a damaged roof, especially one with discontinued shingles, we can help you navigate the insurance claims process and ensure that you get the coverage you deserve.

If you have any gutters questions or are in the Memphis area and need an inspection, give Restoration Roofing a call at 901-854-3402.


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Restoration Roofing is a family owned and operated business specializing in residential and commercial roofing and roof repair. Located in Collierville, TN, they service Memphis and the surrounding suburbs.

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