Can you beat Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal, with only Footmen and no save glitch?

Описание к видео Can you beat Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal, with only Footmen and no save glitch?

We've done the other three campaigns, and only one remains... kinda. After learning about the massively impactful save glitch, I've decided to ban it for this run! Can footmen find their utopia, or will they be corrupted by the lure of dark magic?

I'll probably slow down with video making for the forseeable future as I work in a middle school, and the school year is about to start again! Also, I've been delaying starting Baldur's Gate 3 until I finished with this video, but now that its done, I'm probablyyyyy gonna spend a lot of time on that, lol!

As for what's next, I honestly have no idea right now! Maybe a follow up video correcting the save glitch in my first few WC2 runs? Maybe another challenge run? Maybe something completely different! I dunno, but I'm glad people have been enjoying this series, and I hope you stick around! I've had a blast doing this and sharing it with everyone! :)


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