Otzi the Iceman: Liberal media spin trying to turn him into an African

Описание к видео Otzi the Iceman: Liberal media spin trying to turn him into an African

The DNA doesn't lie. Even the world-renowned expert quoted in all the leftist media - Johannes Krause of the distinguished Leipzig Institute in Germany, chooses his words carefully. So, CNN, UK Daily Mail and the leftist-biased Science media turn to an "expert" at the Mummy Institute. The Mummy expert mouths exactly what they want to hear: Otzi the Iceman was actually a black guy.

Dr. John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin, currently co-starring with Lee Berger in the Netflix series on Homo naledi, wrote a detailed analysis on Otzi's DNA in 2012. His conclusion: Otzi had substantial Neanderthal admixture. (Mysteriously the paper has disappeared.)

Neanderthals passed down a specific gene allele only to Europeans, absent in Africans and Africans, for "pallid" skin tone. It's called BNC2.


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