Morning meeting games to energize and wake up your team

Описание к видео Morning meeting games to energize and wake up your team

Morning meetings can be a drag, but kicking things off with a fun activity is a great way to get everyone engaged and in a productive headspace before you kick things off for the day!

0:00 Intro
0:29 Breakfast Guessing
1:09 Follow The Leader Dancing
1:41 What’s New In My Office?
2:16 Who Said It?
2:48 Cooperative Yoga

First up, we have a super simple game that doesn’t require any props. It’s called Breakfast Guessing.
To play, team members will take turns guessing what other colleagues have had for breakfast that morning. To make things more interesting, you can let the team collectively ask three questions to help narrow down their options. For instance, someone might ask if it was a cold item or whether it was savory or sweet. Make sure to stick with yes or no questions to keep things interesting!
Be warned, though, this game tends to get everyone thinking about food, so make sure you have a plan in place for your next snack or meal!

Next up, we’ve got a game that will get everyone up and moving. It’s Follow The Leader Dancing, and it's a great option if your colleagues are comfortable getting a little silly.
To play, choose one team member to be the leader and direct the dancing. Put on some music and have everyone dance using the same moves as the leader. You can make things more competitive by breaking the game into rounds, where the last player to copy the leader is “eliminated” each time. We guarantee you’ll share quite a few laughs with this one!

The third game I have for you is titled What’s New In My Office?
If you have a lot of meetings with the same people, this one is a great choice to throw in a fun change and get everyone using their observation skills.
Before the meeting, you’ll want to send out a note instructing everyone to add one new thing to their normal meeting setup or Zoom background. Then, during the meeting, take turns observing and trying to guess what’s new. The new item can be anything from a plant on the desk to a silly poster on the wall!

Fourth up, we’ve got Who Said It?
For this game, you’ll need to have several quotes prepared from famous individuals. Start by giving everyone a quote and challenging them to guess who said it. Whoever submits the first correct answer wins.
It’s easiest to play this one if you have pieces of paper with the quotes printed on them so you can hand them out as people enter the room. Let’s play a round now!
Who said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Drop your answer in the comments below this video!

And now, for our final morning meeting game, this one is for you if you want to get everyone moving and motivated — it’s called Cooperative Yoga!
A collaborative set of yoga movements, this activity is focused on having a stretch while working together as a team. Each person will take a turn picking the next move in your flow, once you’ve all completed the stretch, move on to the next person. It’s best to complete these exercises quietly and without speaking. It can be quite a relaxing way to help team members focus on breathing and instilling a sense of calm in the busy day ahead!

And that’s a wrap! Give one or two of these morning meeting games a try the next time you get together with your team. And if you’ve enjoyed watching this video, be sure to hit the like and subscribe button so we can create more videos for you, just like this one!


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