
Описание к видео 【口腔健康】長者口腔護理基本步法

老唔惱 – 口「康」護您,健「腔」無價
Demand on your CARE: Better teeth, better health

Oral health means more than good teeth. It is a significant factor affecting older people’s quality of life, overall health and wellbeing. Suboptimal oral health may have profound effects beyond the oral cavity. People may not realize the links between physical health, disease, and risks associated with problems in the ageing mouth. Oral health touches every aspect of our lives but is often taken for granted. The complexity of ageing mouth means that formal or informal carers in elder care need to be familiar with the common conditions, and understand the importance in attending oral care. In this course, dentists are invited to provide their expert opinions on the essentials and common misconceptions in oral health care for older people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Jockey Club Cadenza e-Tools for Elder Care
#賽馬會流金頌護老有e道 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #免費網上護老課程


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本影片所提供的資訊只作教育用途,並不作為醫療建議或診斷,亦不能代替任何醫療決定。倘若有任何醫療上的問題或要作出任何醫療決定前,先諮詢你的醫療團隊並共同討論是重要的。由於此影片只作教學用途,我們不會對你就此影片而作出的任何決定及後果負上任何責任。任何情況下,捐助機構皆不會對任何人或法律實體因此載內容而作出或沒有作出的任何行為 負上任何法律責任。
This video provides information for educational purposes only. It does not provide medical recommendations or diagnoses and is not a substitute for medical advice. It is crucial that you talk with your healthcare providers to discuss any questions you may have and seek them for medical advice, before you make any medical decisions. As this video is only for educational purposes, we will not be responsible for any decisions you will make or consequences you will have based on the information it provides. In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.


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