APRIL Sustainability Professional Readiness Program (ASPiRE)

Описание к видео APRIL Sustainability Professional Readiness Program (ASPiRE)

Sustainability is key to our operations, which is why we launched the APRIL Sustainability Professional Readiness Program (ASPiRE) to develop the next generation of young sustainability leaders.

ASPiRE is an 18-month accelerated talent development program designed to train individuals who have a passion and belief that doing good is good business. Participants will have unparalleled access to a range of sustainability-focused roles in APRIL and potentially RGE’s business groups.
#Career #CareeratAPRIL #lifeatAPRIL

Keberlanjutan merupakan kunci operasional, hal ini membuat kami perlu meluncurkan APRIL Sustainability Professional Readiness Program (ASPiRE) untuk mengembangkan generasi penerus sebagai pemimpin muda berkelanjutan.

ASPiRe adalah sebuah program akselerasi pengembangan bakat selama 18 bulan yang dirancang untuk melatih individu yang memiliki ketertarikan dan keyakinan bahwa melakukan suatu kebaikan adalah bisnis yang baik. Peserta akan memiliki akses yang tak ternilai ke berbagai peran yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan di APRIL bahkan ke kelompok bisnis RGE.

Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd (APRIL) Group (http://www.aprilasia.com) is one of the largest, most technologically advanced and efficient makers of pulp and paper products in the world.

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Find out more about RGE (Royal Golden Eagle) group here

Website: http://www.rgei.com/
Blog: http://www.inside-rge.com/

Find out more about our founder here



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