F-19 Stealth Fighter (North Cape air-to-air mission - conventional war - veteran opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (North Cape air-to-air mission - conventional war - veteran opponents)

Mission 78, back to the North Cape for an air-to-air mission. This time the primary is a fighter patrol and the secondary is a photo recon of a Krivak frigate.

Our primary concerns are fuel efficiency (North Cape has very long distances to cover) and the radars to the south along the coast. Ingress is low and slow'ish, a slightly higher speed is maintained for efficiency.

There's a detection and track as we approach the Krivak. This draws SAM fire and fighters there are a few SAM's and an AAM, all miss. Try a bit of an optimistic Sidewinder and it gets a fighter! The photo recon is easy.

The course heads south for the fighter patrol. AMRAAM's allow for engagement at distance. The first locks up and tracks a 'better' target. The second gets the primary. One more fighter is downed by a Sidewinder, then it's a long slow trip back to the carrier and landing.

Nothing too impressive or showy, just getting the job done!


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