
Описание к видео #SCOSoundbites

#SCOSoundbites – The Butterfly Dream

Concert: Affinity
Date: 8 September 2023

Dizi: Yin Zhiyang
Composed by Kuan Nai-Chung

The music was inspired by a legend concerning an ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi (Zhuang Zhou) who dreamed that he had become a butterfly. When he woke up, he pondered: “Was it Zhuang Zhou who became a butterfly in a dream or a butterfly turned Zhuang Zhou in its dream?” This question could also be paraphrased as, “Is life but a dream?” The three movements of this concerto have manifested the above theme of contradition and contrast in three aspects: Life and Dream, Lust and Feudal Ethics, True Sentiments and Hypocrisy. The first movement is in sonata form, the second in ternary form and the third in varied sonata form. Only one single qudi flute in D major is employed in the whole work. Since a large number of different tonalities emerge in the development of the music, virtuosity in playing the instrument is required. This undoubtedly is a great breakthrough in terms of traditional qudi playing.

The music piece comprises three movements.
First Movement: “Dream of Butterfly” - Its first theme portrays Zhuang zi as sanctified and discerning image; while the second, likens a character gliding swiftly through the air - represents the butterfly in the dream. The melodies of the two themes thereafter converges into a kind of inverted reflection,
in search of the existence of the butterfly in Zhuang Zi’s dream or rather, Zhuang Zi in the butterfly’s dream.
Second Movement: “Fan Grave” - It begins with repetitions of ascending and descending notes, illustrating the motions of the ups and downs of the fan. The dizi then emerges with the next theme, portraying images of pursuing love, depicting the emotions of the lady. At the end of the first section, the melody from the first movement (Zhuang Zi) reemerges, acting as a bridge to the next section. The music then becomes hearty and exhilarating before reaching a peak and is followed by reappearing of the melody from the first section.
Third Movement: “Cleave Coffin” - The first theme seeks to convert the theme (Zhuang Zhou) from the first movement to a palatial tune. With a dance tempo, the orchestra portrays a suave and scholarly
image. The second theme depicts the sorrows of a girl who longs for happiness but is unable to fulfil her dreams. The first theme of Zhuang Zhou’s original image appears to be sober yet heartless. The second theme appears to be just lonely and feeble. The music ends in a disappointing and
sorrowful mood.

View the house programme of “Affinity” here: https://bit.ly/qinyuan

#SCO音乐摘录 - 《蝴蝶梦》


笛子独奏: 尹志阳

这首乐曲的灵感来自中国古代哲学家庄子的传奇故事。庄子曾经做过一个梦,梦里他变成了蝴蝶,醒来后庄子提出了一个疑问:“究竟是庄周做梦变成蝴蝶?还是蝴蝶做梦变成庄周?”,也既是提出了一个“人生是否本就一场梦?”的问题。这首协奏曲的三个乐章从三方面表现了“人生与梦境”、“情欲与礼教”及“真情与假面”的矛盾和冲突。第一乐章为奏鸣曲式,第二乐章为三部曲式,第三乐章为一变体的奏鸣曲式。全曲只用一支D调的曲笛演奏。这曲因在进展过程中涉及极多的调性,故演奏者需有极高之演奏技巧方可应付。 这对于传统曲笛来说无疑是一极大的突破。

第一乐章:梦蝶 - 第一个主题是一个道貌岸然而有思考形象的主题,代表了庄子。第二主题是一个飞翔形象的主题,代表了梦中的蝴蝶。两个主题从旋律上互成“倒影”表达了:究竟是“庄周梦蝴蝶”还是“蝴蝶梦庄周”的一种思索。
第二乐章:扇坟 - 由一个反复上下的音型开始,似乎是扇子在扇动,然后笛子奏出一个充满了追求形象的主题,表现了扇坟女子的情欲。第一部分结束时,将第一乐章中“庄子”的主题插入。然后进入乐章的第二部分。旋律热情而激动,在发展到高潮时,第一部分再出现。
第三乐章:劈棺 - 第一主题是将第一乐章的“庄周”主题变为宫调式,乐队配以舞蹈性节奏,表现出一个白面书生风流倜傥的形象。第二主题是一个女子对幸福的渴望但无法如愿以偿的痛苦,在发展部的结尾,第一主题以“庄周”的原来形象,威严而无情的出现。第二主题再现时已孤独而无力,乐曲在失望的悲剧气氛中结束。此曲突破了传统中国笛子的调性局限,全曲仅用一支D调曲笛演奏,讲求演奏者的高超演奏技巧。

点击链接参阅"琴缘"节目册: https://bit.ly/qinyuan


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