Hail of Bullets "General Winter" (Bass cover)

Описание к видео Hail of Bullets "General Winter" (Bass cover)

My Grandad was a desert rat. He came back from war a different man. A clearly traumatized man. He left my Grandma and my dad and uncles when my dad was just seven, but came back home after 2 years, out of the blue. That day he played cricket with my dad and his younger brothers and that night assured my dad he would never leave again, only to absconder from their lives the following day forever.
I can only imagine what my Grandad endured in that desert.
My Grandma, a women of immense strength/mental fortitude and kindness, raised those three lads on a pittance.
I believe the whole experience very negatively affected my dad since he tried to kill himself. He was another individual who somehow overcame impossible barriers.
They have all past on now. RIP Stuart's.


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