[Eng Sub] 赵泳鑫 Steelo《完美》- Zhao Yongxin live "Perfect" - Guangzhou 2022-08-24 (FanCam)

Описание к видео [Eng Sub] 赵泳鑫 Steelo《完美》- Zhao Yongxin live "Perfect" - Guangzhou 2022-08-24 (FanCam)

Click cc for Eng Subs. The lyrics of the song contain many references to Chinese culture and idioms. Some comments (click show more):

1) 你我的心里到底是谁有鬼
What is the hidden purpose in our hearts?

Lit: Who is the ghost in your heart and mine?
To have a ghost in our heart means to have a hidden motive/purpose a hidden agenda, a secret that we don't tell others.

2) 看你前面黑洞洞
Confront the pitch black in front of you

Darkness (like a black hole) can trap us and prevent us from seeing clearly: look/observe/be aware of the darkness in front of you. Recognize this darkness and go forward (胆敢上前去 dare to step forward) despite the difficulties and stumbles. Perfection is striving for perfection. Imperfection is not making mistakes, but being trapped by fear and uncertainty and losing the strength to go forward.

3) In these four lines, he takes advantage of the sound/phonetics of the characters

First line:
人人人人人 rén rén rén rén rén (People, people, people, people, people)
Second line:
忍忍忍忍忍 rěn rěn rěn rěn rěn (Tolerate, tolerate, tolerate, tolerate, tolerate)
Third line: combines the characters of the first two lines.
人忍人忍人 rén rěn rén rěn rén (People tolerate, people tolerate, people)
Fourth line :
任人人认人 rèn rén rén rèn rén (People can tell people apart)

4) 别再计较什么子丑寅卯手里头
So, stop worrying about the underlying reasons

Here he speaks of the first four earthly branches 子 (zǐ). 丑 (chǒu), 寅 (yín), 卯 (mǎo), figuratively means "underlying reasons". The earthly branches are part of Chinese astrology and are present/represented in the fingers of the hand.
What he is saying is that you have to put aside calculations and conjectures. Don't worry about the logic of the facts, about the causes that lead from one fact to another, about what caused this or that. In the world there is no predetermined order, there is both good and bad. You have to be able to face both.

Patience is the consent of the knife stabbed in the heart

This line is related to a Buddhist practice: the practice of patience/tolerance. In the face of problems, we need to be calm so as not to give in to anger. Thus, practicing patience/tolerance is like having a knife stuck in the chest, but the mind can remain in a transcendent state (which is what allows us to break the obsession of the ego and attain true freedom)

6) 人为财死鸟封侯
People die for money and birds become lords

There are two references in this line. The first one is a common saying: "People die for their money and birds die for their food" (人为财死,鸟为食亡). He changes the last part (鸟为食亡) to 鸟封侯. This is the second one: Fenghou (封侯), which means "to be named marquis" (the term "lords" is used because it is more intuitive). This reference has to do with a traditional Chinese symbolic pattern. This image signifies that fame and fortune are just around the corner, and also refers to someone becoming ennobled for their merits.
In this line he juxtaposes two different attitudes to life: i) the greed of those who seek fortune and false recognition and ii) the noble nature of birds.

7) 任风水再轮流
Let the wind and water flow again

In Chinese culture, the concept of "feng shui" (风水 - wind and water) is the practice of arranging the environment to promote good fortune and harmony with nature. This line implies that even though one has arranged one's environment, one's fate is ultimately subject to the changing forces of the universe, emphasizing the idea that life is unpredictable and ever-changing. Our fortunes can change and luck can alternate, similar to the way the wind changes direction.

So, perfection is the search for the goal that is hidden in our heart and that allows us to be ourselves regardless of the opinions and criticisms of others.
Perfection is the way to ourselves.

If you have any suggestions or changes that you think would be more accurate, feel free to comment.

Cr: 锅包you锅包you. The song do not belong to me. No copyright infringement intended. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.


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