(Nepali) Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov || ReadingisBest Nepali || Psychology in Nepali

Описание к видео (Nepali) Classical Conditioning - Ivan Pavlov || ReadingisBest Nepali || Psychology in Nepali

In this video, I will talk about Classical Conditioning developed by Ivan Pavlov. In classical conditioning, Neutral Stimulus is repeatedly paired with Unconditioned Stimulus that naturally produces Unconditioned Response. Thus, after conditioning, the Neutral Stimulus alone is able to produce Response. Here, Neutral Stimulus becomes Conditioned Stimulus whereas Unconditioned Response becomes Conditioned Response.

This video will answer the following questions:
What is classical conditioning?
What is class conditioning of Ivan Pavlov?
What happens in classical conditioning?
What is neutral stimulus?
What is unconditioned stimulus?
What is conditioned response?
What is unconditioned response?
Explain Pavlov famous experiment with dogs.
Clarify classical conditioning.
How do classical conditioning works?
What is the process of classical conditioning?

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