Osteopathic Case Study Tutorial

Описание к видео Osteopathic Case Study Tutorial

This Case Study digs into depth in terms of osteopathic history, examination and treatment for a case of non specific low back pain in a 27 year old.

It's a good case because as Osteopaths these cases are the bread and butter patients that we will see day in and day out. But with this type of low back pain with no disc injury and no referral pain to the legs the patient's expectations will be high.

"Just fix me up in this one treatment"

So it's important that we can deal well with these patients.

And we can do this because Osteopathy can get really excellent results, but its important to dig into what we do so that we can get consistent with these patients and understand why some patients get better and some don't.

And without looking at that process of what we do and how we can improve it then it can be difficult to improve over the medium and long term as an Osteopath.


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