TOEIC多益 600分必考400單詞 01

Описание к видео TOEIC多益 600分必考400單詞 01


========= 學習重點 =========

========= 學習方式 =========
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========= 影片重點段落 =========
00:00 學習方法
00:32 let's try anyway
00:44 following the speech we had dinner
00:57 please refer to the map
01:10 tickets are available online
01:22 the sales department
01:35 a large conference room
01:48 according to the email
02:00 Who most likely is the woman?
02:13 What does the man offer to do?
02:25 new office equipment
02:38 Please provide me with your email address.
02:50 local businesses
03:03 purchase tickets
03:16 a job opening
03:28 construction project
03:41 while touring the factory
03:54 market research
04:07 attend a meeting
04:19 change a delivery date
04:32 I recently bought a printer.
04:44 What is indicate about Mr. Kato?
04:57 an employee of a hotel
05:10 request additional staff
05:22 a customer survey
05:35 review a report
05:47 the production area
06:00 conveniently located near a subway station
06:13 details of a plan
06:26 announce the winners
06:38 a computer repair shop



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