Wild West Wallet

Описание к видео Wild West Wallet

The Wild West Wallet

Thanks to Kim Williams for the clip!

Rockin’ K Leather:   / rockinkleather  

South Union Mills: https://www.southunionmills.com/civil...

RIver Junction Trade Company: https://www.riverjunction.com/leather...

“Mister Exposition” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...)
Patreon:   / creator-home  
Ghostriders Channel Q & A video:    • Channel Q & A  

**Official Arizona Ghostriders merchandise at https://teespring.com/stores/arizona-... **

Ariat Products

Arizona Ghostriders Rambler Western Boot: https://www.ariat.com/RAMBLER_M_FOO.h...

10% Off Any Order With Email Signup: https://www.ariat.com/email-signup?ir...

Shop Men's Cowboy Boots: https://www.ariat.com/men-western-foo...
Introduction CreditsDesaxone, who expertly updated our Arizona Ghostriders logo:    / @desaxone7102  
Sebastián García Surianu, who composed the music: https://www.fiverr.com/sgsurianu
John M. Swart’s Drone footage of Gates Pass:    / Канал  
Our friends and collaborators:

The Pistoleros Wild West Show:    / @pistoleroswildwest9050  

Trail Dust Town: http://www.traildusttown.com

Harker’s Bordertown:   / rick-and-pennys-place-823316137855066  

Mescal Movie Set: https://www.mescalmovieset.com/
11BangBang Channel:    / @real11bangbang  

Frontier American Illustrated News: https://www.frontieramericanillustrat...

Old Tucson Studios: http://oldtucson.com

Legends of America: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/

Batjac JW:    / scorpio86ist  

Jed iTV:    / jedigunfighter  

Guns of the West:    / utahconcealedfirearm  

Duke Frazier Productions:    / dukefrazier  

Living History’s Mysteries:    / @livinghistorysmysteries  

Ravenna Old and New West Vestures: http://ravennaoldwest.com
Ravenna commercial:    • Видео  

River Junction Trading Co.: http://www.riverjunction.com

Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum: https://chisholmtrailmuseum.org/

Arbuckles’ Coffee: https://arbucklecoffee.com/

St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railway: https://www.slimrr.com/

Small Caliber Arms Review:    / @smallcaliberarmsreview  

Slick Sixguns channel:    / @slicksixguns  

Facebook:   / arizonaghostriders  

Twitter:   / santee2171  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/az_ghostrid...


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