Small Group discussion resource re the proposed Ministry Centre

Описание к видео Small Group discussion resource re the proposed Ministry Centre

Small Group discussion resource re the proposed Ministry Centre
Leader intro – As you are most likely aware, we have been discussing for some time now the need to build a new ministry centre to facilitate both the existing and the future ministry needs that we have. Steve has provided us with some resources and discussion questions to get us thinking about the kingdom opportunities such a ministry centre might provide. And it is an opportunity to ask and explore any questions we might have.

Opening questions – How long have you been at PBC? What are some of the aspects of PBC that you appreciate?

Leader - A few weeks back, there was a Ministry Centre Vision night. We are going to watch the first 7 minutes of that before looking at the current design of what is proposed.

Show video – Kathy, Ben & Steve

Leader - What we are going to look at now is the current design of the proposed building. We’ll start with a fly-through of the building and then go back and look at 7 different aspects of the building. As you watch the fly-through, think about what opportunities this building provides for Kingdom ministry.

Show video – fly-through of Ministry Centre with Shayne speaking to it (from previous video shown to church, 1.5 minutes)

Leader - Now we are going to pause on some of the specific spaces that the new ministry centre will provide. For each slide, what can you see are some of the ways it can be used for Kingdom ministry? And also, are there any questions that you have about this space?

Slide 1: Front perspective showing the covered front area and the covered section between the existing and proposed building. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader - Greater connectivity to our existing ministry area for improved safety. Increased undercover outdoor area for ministry use and community gathering space. Improved accessibility for visitors and neighborhood visibility.

Slide 2: Looking in and through the auditorium. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – This is a 80-120 person ministry space that will include a kitchenette, AV equipment, storage and provides the opportunity for groups to spill out onto the grassed area.

Slide 3: Small group rooms and break out spaces. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – These are 3 meeting rooms suitable for small groups, youth & kids discipleship and other meetings.

Slide 4: Facing the stairs and corridor. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – A room that will be used for prayer and counselling but also can be used by small groups and other meetings. In this area are toilets, storage and access via either stairs or a lift to the mezzanine level.

Slide 5: Upstairs (mezzanine level). [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – Upstairs are 6 multi-purpose rooms that will mainly be as offices. There is also a reception desk, kitchenette, shared table for hot-desking, meetings, lunch gatherings, etc. There is also a utilities/print room for photocopier, other technology and admin supplies.

Slide 6: Looking back from the grassed area. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – This space should provide better connectivity between meeting and play spaces for kids and youth and the Child Care Centre. It allows for improved pedestrian safety.

Slide 7: View of the car park. [Ask group the above 2 questions.]
Cheat notes for leader – The reconfigured carpark will provide improved traffic flow and better safety for Friday night kids and youth drop-offs. It also allows greater usability of the car park area for Friday night youth and kids games.
Note that the existing number of car park spaces are retained.

Leader – On the Vision night, Dale Hawkins outlined how we can each play our part in seeing this proposed ministry centre become a reality. We’re going to watch that now.

Show video – Dale Hawkins

Leader – What part can we each play in seeing the ministry centre come to be?
Is there anything that as a small group that we can do?
What most excites you about this proposed ministry centre?
Are there any questions that remain unanswered for you as we move forward?

Pray together as a group for wisdom for the decisions that lie before us and for God’s provision for all that is needed (and for anything else that people to wish to pray into this).


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