The Entire Life Of Renly Baratheon

Описание к видео The Entire Life Of Renly Baratheon

He’s the youngest of the Baratheon brothers who was daring enough to challenge the rule of succession by defying his own brothers rightful claim to the Iron Throne. Renly Baratheon’s eccentric and charismatic personality makes him one of the more appealable character profiles to cover. In todays video, I’m going to take you through the entire life of Renly Baratheon, from his early beginnings at storms end, his marriage to to Maergery Tyrell and all the way up to his shocking and untimely demise at his brothers command. Welcome to Game of Thronelore, this is the life of Renly Baratheon.

Game Of Thronelore
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Music by    • Game of Thrones – Cello Medley  
Roman Papsuev also known as "Amok"


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